Information about Forming a Sea Hawkers Chapter


Interested in forming a Sea Hawker chapter in your area? That’s great! All you need is 15 diehard Seahawk fans and a dedication to forming and nurturing your new chapter.


You will receive an email with the step by step process to get your chapter started. We will also send you samples of the Articles of Incorporation and by-laws you can use to personalize for your chapter. We will send you a membership form, which chapters use to sign up members and also a membership tracking spread sheet you can use as your chapter roster.


Elect officers for your new club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Membership, Treasurer, At Large (if desired), and other positions your chapter desires.


Annual membership fees for people to join your chapter are $15.00 for individuals and $25.00 for families up to four people in a household. (PayPal adds a $1 processing fee.)


New chapter start up cost is $50.00; payable to Central Council.


Annual Club Dues to be paid in January of each year: $175.00


Membership Cards: $20.00 per 100 (must be purchased from Central Council)


Each chapter has the opportunity to receive an autographed football at the end of the year by a current player if they report their monthly membership numbers to the VP-Membership each month. You can only miss reporting two times in a calendar year or you forfeit receiving the football.


All chapters are eligible to compete in membership drive contests for other footballs and prizes throughout the year. Each contest will have specific rules that will be sent out prior to contests beginning.


Each month your chapter President will receive minutes from every Central Council Board Meeting and Full Council Meeting to share with your members with information regarding upcoming events and club information.


All chapters get involved in their communities by helping with charitable organizations.   Examples are Relay for Life, MS Walk, Ronald McDonald House, MDA walk, and Toys for Tots. This is one way to show our support and bring the fan base together!


Most chapters meet monthly, a few meet only during football season to watch games together. However you choose to run your chapter is up to you, the main thing is to have fun, be a positive force in your community, and show your Seahawks pride with fellow 12s!


We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about forming a Chapter.


Feel free to email for more information.



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Check out the Sea Hawkers Podcast, presented by the Military Sea Hawkers!

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