Serving Ballard/NW Seattle, WA and surrounding areas
Established as a Home Chapter in December 2014
Chapter Board Members
President: David Moody
Vice President: Stephen Taylor
VP Membership: Paul Herbord
Secretary: Alice Smith
At Large: Mary Lou Newbold
Entertainment: Karen Hauger
Check us out on:
Mailing Address
NW Seattle Sea Hawkers
c/o David Moody
2003 South 216th Street
Unit 98728
Des Moines, WA 98198
Where We Meet
Until further notice, meeting announcements are posted on Facebook and pinned to the top of the chapter's page. Our previous meeting
location is no longer in business and we are in the process of finding a new meeting space in the North Seattle area.
NW Seattle Sea Hawkers meetings are family-friendly The Facebook page will always have updates and, as needed, changes to meeting
dates and times.