South Sound Sea Hawkers

Serving Tacoma/Puyallup, WA and surrounding areas

Chapter Board Members

President: Colin Mitchell

Vice President: Deanna Logan

Secretary: Cindi Lang 

Membership/Treasure: Sue Farley 


Contact Email:


Connect with Us

Our Website



Mailing Address

South Sound Sea Hawkers

c/o Sue Farley
9314 Canyon Road E #76
Puyallup, WA 98371


Where We Meet

Meeting is the Third Tuesday of each month at The Ram

10019 59th Ave SW, Lakewood, WA

- Dinner/Social 6:00 to 7:00

- Meeting 7:00 to 8:30 no meeting in July or December


Annual Christmas Party in Dec 

Date and Time TBD 

Off Season Bunco Parties: date/times TBA 
Canyon Terrace Club 
9314 Canyon Road East 
Puyallup WA 98371 
- Contact Sue Farley for current dates and times
- $25 per person Raffle prizes and prizes for Game play
- Main course/drinks provided by the club
- If you would like you can bring a side dish (Not required) 
- The money raised will go to the Charity chosen for that month

Social Media & Podcast

Check out the Sea Hawkers Podcast, presented by the Military Sea Hawkers!

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2023 © Sea Hawkers Booster Club